We recently went to see the movie " The End of the Spear" as a family. What a refreshing, life-infusing movie! If you haven't gone I highly recommend it. It's not very often that we get to the movies, and when we do I can't always say that we left receiving a very motivated message for our lives. This movie is well worth the $6.75 I had to pay for my ticket. (Yikes! I can remember when we paid $3.00 for a ticket and felt like it was highway robbery!)
It's almost been a week since I sat in the theater with tears spilling down my cheeks, and I can honestly say that I am still thinking deeply about the events of the film. God spoke to me is such a deep way about purpose and being a life-giver through this film. If you'd like to see the trailer for "End of the Spear" just click
TRAILER! A portion of the proceeds from this movie go to support world missions-I think it is 50%. Which is also another good reason why you should check it out. View Showtimes for our
Tinseltown Theater.
You might be wondering why this movie was such a tool for God to re-infuse my heart with purpose. Well, I don't want to give away the plot but I will elaborate a bit more about my personal experiences as a missionary.
I married Joel at 17 and went down directly to the mission field. Matias Romero, Oaxaca, Mexico to be exact. I had never been out of the US so it was a huge drastic culture shock for me. We were young, in love and on fire for God in a passionate way.
I didn't imagine all of the hardships we would face, nor did I really understand the depths to which our beliefs would be tested. Those first years were incredible with so many people's lives being changed. Most people there in those remote ranch areas loved us, but we did face those who didn't. I remember the night a bounty had been placed upon the lives of my husband, and 2 other missionary men who worked with us. Of course, the men decided that if we were to be effective at all they had to go into the village just as they had always done. If we backed down under the pressure of evil, would the God we serve really be represented as the Savior we so fervently preached.
I remember the agony of the long wait wondering if they would make it back alive as they had to hike in several hours in the open jungle, alone and unarmed. I can still feel my heartbeating for hours like it was about to jump out of my skin. If something happened, what do I do? Do I leave, can I find my way back to the States? Are they going to come into town after the women as well? Would I be able to take care of the other two young women under our care if a tragedy occurred. How could an 18 year old face the pain and tragedy of loosing her husband as a martyr, before her first child was even conceived? Would I still be able to worship God if my worst fears came to pass. Would I be bitter or would I stand firm.
The hours of that afternoon will forever be ingrained in my mind as I had to surrender my life totally and completely to God's control and trust Him with my life or our death. Our purpose for life was and is totally and forever in His Hands. After restless hours, I remember hearing the sound of the CB base with the most wonderful staticy sound of " Angel are you there? I'm about 30 minutes from town" and I knew that once again God had been faithful.
The realization as I watched the movie came suddenly and quietly just as His voice many times does. As the tears flowed down like rain, I whispered in my heart of hearts-
"Father, that could have been my family-you could have chosen for my husband to give his life in total sacrifice. Why did you choose to spare us? "
I heard God whisper in a quiet confidence" I saved Joel for today-now is the time to fulfill your purpose. Your seed of greatness to reach so many is to be sown here, and now. The best is yet to come-your destiny of lifegiving will be known throughout the nations because you chose to count the cost. But your purpose is to show how to be a life giver right here where you drew your first breaths of life. Reach out to those around you-show them what it means to know me and to be an instrument of my love.
As we walked out of the theater into the cool night air, I realized that I had been divinely setup. A refresher course in Purpose 101 was needed and God knew just how to give me the most excellent pop quiz. How can you be willing to die for someone if
you aren't willing to live FOR them?See, God knew I had been struggling a bit with ME, you know that stinking selfish ME that shows up right when you thought it was under "control". You know which one I am talking about, right? The "ME" that jumps into the driver seat without permission, the ME with a capitol "ME", the one that constantly hinders our growth, keeps us focused on our wants instead of the needs of others. The "me" that makes us get so worried about how we look on Sunday morning, that we are hurried and frantic and forget to realize it's not about us anyway-it's about those around us who are hurting, those who just need a hug, or a word of encouragement. Let's work together as LIFEchicks to put me in the backseat or even the trunk if we need to so we can focus on giving life to those who so need it.
Isn't God great? It's just a blast to see what He has in store. I hope you all make sure you attend this Sunday for our last message from the "ME-church Series". Joel has been working super hard on making this weekend a great experience. A little bird told me that there are going to be some really cool things happening you won't want to miss. Put "me" on the backburner and invite a friend this weekend. It's gonna be awesome.
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