Late last night I finally got time to get back into my art studio. Believe it or not, this is the first time in 2006 that I've actually been able to get back in there and get to work many of you know, for the last few weeks I've not felt the best and for one reason or another I found away to put off for another day what so desperately needed to be done. Procrastination gave way to dread and then birthed complacency. And the worst part of it was this is something I love! I have a passion for painting that consumes me, and strikes a chord with the very core of who I am. For me when I paint, it is a time when God and I meet in a special and intimate way. Normally I put on worship music and before long I seem to be painting on "autopilot" and the ability to visit with my Father just begins to flow so naturally, more so than just my regular devotional time. All the things that have had me so hurried, and stressed seem to fade away and everything that was out of focus becomes defined as I hear his voice speak to me. Suddenly I realized that the stresses of this world had been choking out the "best part", and that the thing I had dreaded brought me more peace than I could have imagined. Amazing how we let things build up in our minds isn't it?
A week or so ago, Joel and I found ourselves on the couch watching TV together. Not a past-time we share very often due to our hectic lifestyles. I was surprised as he realized my favorite movie of all times was on, and even more shocked that he sat down and watched it with me.
The movie is "A walk above the clouds"- I warn you, this is a true chick flick. Something in that movie struck a chord within me from the first time I saw it.
The setting is filmed in wine country in the Napa Valley, and the time period is right after WW2. A soldier meets up with a frantic, beautiful Latin girl that is on her way back home from her first experience out into the big world. She finds herself pregnant out of wedlock and terrified of having to return home to face her family. The soldier has just returned back from war and finds himself intrigued by the girl. Together they concoct a plan to deceive the family into thinking he is her husband, and will later abandon her so as to save her from being shamed.
The beautiful part about the movie is he finds himself falling in love with the girl, and is determined to redeem her from her mistake. She however refuses to have anyone suffer the consequences of her sin.
My favorite part of the movie is when the young man tries to win the girl's heart by serenading her. A serenata is a Mexican custom of going late at night to the beloveds window and singing for her until she is persuaded by the expression of love to accept the affection of the singer. If you are successful with your serenata, the light in the bedroom will be turned on.
In the movie, the girl stands by the window in the dark debating whether or not to turn on the light. The soldier sings for what seems like an eternity, but to no avail. He finally decides to leave for good. As he walks down the road into the darkness, he keeps looking back. Finally the light comes on. Instead of feeling rejected, he rejoices and runs back to the farm.
What a beautiful picture of how Jesus waits for us. He is serenading us each day, yet all the while we stand at the window debating whether or not to surrender our wills to his affections. He serenades us with the sun that rises, the birds that sing, the flowers we see each day, the blessings He sends into our lives. Yet so many times I don't stop to listen to the song He sings for me. Either I am distracted or fearful to allow myself to become so vulnerable. I realized last night-how long have you been singing your song to me and I didn't hear it? At that moment, I heard, don't worry- I am still here waiting. And He is, and always will be. But I don't want to break His heart by not turning on the light. My light is on, and I am listening.
I won't tell you how the movie ends, but you might just want to find out yourself. It is a beautiful story about redemption and the choices we make.
Don't forget we have ChickNight this Sunday. Bring a teacup and saucer, because we'll be learning about Charm and Grace. It will be fun, and we are going to have some special surprises. Invite a friend.
I'll see you at church tonight!
Have a great week, and don't forget to stop and listen. You'll hear His love song for you.
I CANNOT believe that Joel watched that movie with you, girlfriend. He must "Wuv you vewy much!!!"
He is mellowing in his old age! Can you believe that!