I am so excited about our series we will be starting this Sunday, "Baggage". I feel like this will really be one of our defining series where we look back at the end of 2006 and say, "wow, God really did alot in me during this one!" I am so ready to lighten my load of baggage right now. Moving up to the next level of growth and maturity in Christ is like getting ready to board a plane. We have to go through the security gate for our protection. The airlines have a limit on the amount of baggage you can take with you. God is like that too, fortunately He doesn't make us go solo, and is patient with us when we go through the process.
See, I have a confession to make. I am a last minute packer. Which also means I am an over packer. I finally realized on our last trip why I do that. Fear- fear is the motivation for me to overpack like a woman going on a trip around the world in 80 days. Fear that it will be too cold, fear that I won't have the appropriate clothes, fear that I'll not bring something I need, on and on it goes.
I hesitate to make decisions on what to take, then at the last minute I become the "mad stuffer". I've been known to throw in 4-5 pairs of shoes at the last minute, a couple dresses, not to mention loads of jewelry and of course if it is a cold climate,I'll stuff in that ratty, bulky old black sweater.It is a mammoth and takes up half of the suitcase. Toenail polish, remover, oh, we might need some alkaseltzer. Tweezers are a must, one or 2 extra books, and on it goes. What this causes though is a huge problem with excess weight overage at the booking counter.
Then the joys of going trough post 9-11 security gates are really fun. You have to do that about every 20 minutes or so. I just wear flipflops now, regardless of the climate I am travelling too.
Once I settle in the plane, I feel secure for about 30 minutes. But suddenly my mind will start working and I realize all the things I forgot to pack! If we have a layover or have to make a connection it is miserable. I can't negotiate through the crowds well. My arms are sore, Joel walks super fast and I keep running into people. It's just totally insane. Not to mention trying to make it into the ladies room. I mean seriously, how do you do that once you have all your bags in the stalls with you? Not humanly possible. Then eating is a deal too, because you have to keep your foot on those bags at all times. See what I mean? By the time we are half way there I wish I wouldn't have brought a thing, and could just go on a shopping spree upon arrival.
That's not the worse part though, because the suitcase is overstuffed I become it's slave. Upon arrival to the hotel, I immediately have to unpack because if I don't I can't find a thing. Then the contents seem to take on a life of their own and consume every spare inch of space in the room. If we go shopping, I seldom get to enjoy myself or make any purchases, because I know there's no room in the suitcase to bring anything back. I can't tell you how many times I've missed a beautiful gift God had for me at a fantastic price because I had no place to bring it home. I've missed unique jewelry, shoes, clothes, more than you can imagine. All because the security blanket of the ratty black sweater had to come along. So loaded up, no room for anything new even though it's more valuable than the junk I've been lugging.
What have you been missing out on due to your baggage? Stop and think about it, listen for His voice. You might be surprised what He is telling you.
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