Happy Valentines Day
Published Tuesday, February 14, 2006 by Angel Turner Dyke | E-mail this post

A Valentine From God
My dear children I want you all to know
It is I, God, who created you and I love you so
On Valentine’s Day, I’m sending my love
Flowing down to you from heaven above
I am always near, standing right by your side
Remember, I sent you my son, for you he died
Although It hurt me to see him suffer in pain
I did it for all, so eternal life you would gain
My child, when you are lonely, and in despair
Remember I am standing close, always near
Instead of roses, cards and candy to send
I’m giving you eternal life without any end
Happy Valentine’s Day hugs to all of you
Sending you lots of love that is forever true God, your heavenly Father
© Copyright Angelamaria
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