I need a random act of kindness girls!!!
Published Saturday, July 01, 2006 by Angel Turner Dyke | E-mail this post

Ok, well so it is a bit vain, maybe even extravagant.. but I am just daring enough to believe that God could do this for me. It's been a dream of mine for years to see the French Riviera and I have a chance to do it for free. There is a contest for artist being sponsored by myartspace.com and the person who gets the most votes will be given the opportunity to go to France and take an artist retreat in a French Villa beside the Riviera as well as a NYC gallery showing. So if you don't mind, please pretty please VOTE For ME!!! ( I feel like a kid running for class president)
I can't guarantee you anything in return other than it sure would be a blessing to me and the person I take with me.. I guess it better be Joel since he has funded my art passion for years on end. I still owe him a bunch of money if we really looked at it ...
Here is how it works:
I have entered a competition and need votes to win. A little forward on my part, but one has to try and if I win I get to bring a friend (perhaps you?).
All voters must become members of
www.myartspace.com. This is an easy JOIN process that does not require upload of any images and its free. Each member has up to 20 votes which may be used on one or as many Artists/Photographers as you wish.I'd love to have you give me all 20 (big grin) To view and vote go to
www.myartspace.com (you may need the latest version of Adobe Flash 8, this is a free download).
Click on VIEW CONTESTANTS (at the bottom of the page, use the scroll bar to the far right!)Enter my Login name (AngelTurnerDyke--all together with no spaces) in the box marked FIND BY HANDLER OR NAME. Click FIND.
My gallery and my photo should appear in this list. Click on the large green ">" to see my work.Below is a URL link that should take you directly to my gallery. In the event this does not work correctly for some reason, the search technique above will work fine!.
http://www.myartspace.com/?dest=Y29udGVzdGFudHOkMzQ4NDRhMDJkODcxN2FhMqQ0MTA0NDlkZmQ2MTJiYmFmpDI0NTQ0YTAyZDg3MWU4MDQthanks so much! Feel Free to pass this along to others you feel might help me!
I appreciate you all!!!
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